Monday, May 23, 2011

Match.Com for Corn Snakes

I learned that corn snakes need to go through a period of dormancy called "brumation" prior to breeding, so I read about it and began to cool Checker down in late November.  
Morgan gave me a sweet baby bearded dragon for Christmas - I named her Puff. This is not a very good picture of her, but it shows how small she was when I got her. I took her to school with me every day and she quickly became very socialized. I also bought a Chilean Rose Hair tarantula sometime during this period. I named her Rosa and my students enjoyed comparing her to the 2 Texas Browns that I already had.
I continued to attend the DFW Herp Society meetings each month - the 3rd Sat. of the month at UT Arlington. I got to know some of the members better, and continued my search for a significant other for Checker. Finally, a woman named Trisha mentioned that she had a male corn snake and that she would be interested in breeding him. I decided to bring Checker out of brumation in early March, after which I would feed her well and wait for her to shed. This would be the signal that she was read to meet Prince (yes that is really his name!)
Also in March, we had our annual Science Fair at school, and Mark, Jennifer and their 2 daughters agreed to bring several of their reptiles for one of our exhibits. The students LOVED it!!
Finally, in early April, Checker shed her skin. I contacted Trisha and she offered to bring Prince to the next meeting so I could borrow him for a month to see if he and Checker would mate.

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